
Everything You Need to Know About Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea has become known as a bothersome sleep disorder that not only affects an individual's quality of sleep but can have a drastic impact on their overall wellbeing. Estimates show that a staggering 23.5 million adults in the U.S...
What Is Plethysmography In Pulse Oximetry?
You may have heard of the term “plethysmography” when it comes to pulse oximetry, particularly if you use a pulse oximeter for health screening purposes. However, have you ever wondered what it means? We share more with you in this...
Understanding Normal Blood Oxygen Levels
Oxygen is critical to our well-being. Without it, our bodies would be unable to synthesize food and many of our muscle operations would become impossible. Not only must oxygen be present in our blood but it should be present in...
Understanding Health Canada Medical Device Licensing
When browsing through our online shop, you may have noticed the phrase “Health Canada Approved” in our product descriptions. While this may give you an additional layer of peace and security when purchasing from us, you may be wondering exactly...