
Waking up on the wrong side of the bed. It's something that happens to most of us at one time or another. When it does, as we get to work, school, or just to the breakfast table, we are usually...

The LOOKEE® Ring Sleep Oxygen Monitor helps you keep track of your night’s sleep by monitoring your heart rate and oxygen levels. CPAP treatments vary greatly, and this is the latest design being used by many for its improvements over...

Infrared thermometers, also known as non-contact thermometers, measure temperatures from a distance. They take in the radiation emitted by our bodies to determine our body temperatures. Being contactless, the infrared thermometer has the advantage of minimizing the risk of infection...

A pulse oximeter is a device that measures your heart rate and blood oxygen level. When using a fingertip pulse oximeter, you can get a reading of your heart rate by clamping the device to your fingertip. If you are...

Nations around the globe are all taking steps to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). From social distancing, frequent hand washing and sanitization to mask wearing, new measures are being put in place to contain the outbreak. As...